ABT BASS PRO SERIES Wivenhope Lake 7th 8th September 2019


Well an amazing result in tough wing conditions, I managed a back to back win at Lake Wivenhoe for the ABT Casino outdoors bass electric series.

Pre Fish.

Pre fish day, the wind is already strong at 630am, this seen me head straight towards an area I found fish last year around this time of year. I located a few fish and kept looking alone this area which runs alone the old river bed. I continued searching and headed to some other GPS marks from the prior year. This spot was at the end of Billies bay point. There was a far few fish showing here but still a little hard to catch. I caught 2 nice size bass and then moved on searching the big flats and other parts of the river edge. I returned back the point to check if the bass where still in that area, I managed another nice bass. So this will be my start area, with 3 GPS marks across the end of the point I should be able to reach one of my marks before other anglers get there.

Comp Day.

Straight from the start it was windy again, I started heading straight out the point with a far few other boat heading in the same direction. I landed on one of my marks which was on top of a little hump, the fish didn’t show on the sounder straight away but I notice some on the side scan starting to come through. I was making long casts into the wind and sinking the REZAN to the bottom and started the retrieve which was, 10 winds of the reel and then free spooling to the bottom again. This will keep the lure close to the bottom and in the faces of the bass longer but enough to try and create a reaction strike. It took 10minutes before I hooked my first bass which went straight into the live well. I continued to cast and use the same retrieve towards the same direction as the first fish came from. 5 minutes later I got my second bass, this came on the REZAN free spooled to the bottom after the 10th wind as the first one did.

Another 15 to 20 minutes went by before I caught an upgrade bass, but this time it was the start of the wind from the bottom. With having to get the scales out to weight all 3 bass to see which is the lightest one to cull, I found out that I had about 4kgs for 2 bass. This would be the last nice size bass I catch for the rest of the session. I managed another 6 small size bass in the same area and retrieve. ICHI BAN !!!

Super stoked with the win at Lake Wivenhoe, clicking over my 11th win in the ABT bass electric series since I started the series. A big thanks to my wife, kids, family and friends support over this time, your support and help is priceless. Domo arigato gozaimasu to VALLEYHILL Japan and family for letting me be part of the family.



Reel: Bait Casting Reel

Line: 16lb Bladed Line

Leader: 12lb fluorocarbon

Lure: REZAN 40g #02 Giraiwashi

Nishi style Charles West.

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